After forming our official groups for the rest of the semester, I have a lot of different trains of thought to think about and consider.
With the tutorial topic being 'Distributed', we began our discussions based upon the brainstorming activities from the past few weeks, and figured out what elements we all considered important or similar. The result of this was a certain idea for a 21st century (capital) city.
What if certain elements of a capital city were dispersed across Australia? To the state capitals, or other main centres? Could this potentially create a strong sense of identity nationwide?
Elements or areas of 'capital' in Canberra could be dispersed to the different cities, with Canberra acting as the main "meeting place". Each city could in turn be the capital of SOMETHING, or the nodes could even be identical?
What WOULD create more of a sense of identity - identical nodes, or purpose nodes?
- People would feel some form of attachment to each purpose node and in turn associate this with a sense of identity.
- Perhaps a similar design element that ties the nodes together across Australia, but each with a specific and different federal parliament purpose?
If each node had a specific purpose, and Canberra acted as the meeting point... would the relationship Australia wide and to Canberra change?
A few elements to think of after discussing this concept...
- What would the connections be like?
- What would each specific city purpose BE?
- Could this be implemented at a city scale (rather than nation scale)?
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